Saturday, July 30, 2005

Can you recognize this person?

She is very popular and you will find her in a lot of image processing books. There is a very interesting story and background about this person and her photograph. Can you figure it out? If you can't, please wait for the answer or ask for it


Balbir said...

oh! really? You will be surprised when you see the answer.

Here is a hint and a big one

Her name is LENA

Anonymous said...

Guess you forgot (about) the answer ;-)

Balbir said...

The answer is posted as a seperate blog entry. Please see it under the same title with a -- answered.

The quick answer is the name of the person os lena or lenna.

Ranking and Unranking permutations

I've been a big fan of Skiena's Algorithm Design Manual , I recently found my first edition of the book (although I own the third ed...