Friday, November 20, 2009

Smooth upgrade to F12

My first post after the upgrade. The upgrade sailed through smoothly and I got back the packages I had to uninstall. The first issue I faced was the nomodeset issue. X would not recognize any resolution beyond "800x600", I had to pass nomodeset as kernel boot parameter to get my original resolution back.

I was also happy to see my back for resource counter scalability included in F12
(run rpm -q --changelog kernel | less)
* Mon Oct 12 2009 Kyle McMartin
- improve-resource-counter-scalability.patch: Fix scalability issues
on big machines, requested by prarit.

I am all set to sail, kudos to those who helped make Fedora and especially the upgrade path so smooth.


Gops said...
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Balbir said...

No.. I just expect it to be good competition

Ranking and Unranking permutations

I've been a big fan of Skiena's Algorithm Design Manual , I recently found my first edition of the book (although I own the third ed...